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Agua Team

Providing scalable solutions to water and wastewater treatment

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The complete water treatment solution in a nutshell

We provide the entire value-added chain from phase 1 to phase 5

Together with our partnerships in the water treatment industry, we're dedicated to making a positive change and assisting some of the world's most under-resourced communities to fulfill their water needs. Our water treatment plants not only purify water while reducing the dependency on trucked-in water. They provide high-quality, potable drinking water at scale.

Agua Team

Our approach is unique

Take a tour of our two-prong approach to fighting the global water crisis.
We pride ourselves on being fully transparent, like the water we treat.

Project Financing

Here at Aguateam, we’re professionals in the financing, construction, and operation of water and wastewater treatment technology. With a customer-centered approach, we are able to offer reliable, cost-effective services immersed in the client's unique needs.


In emergency situations, one of the most crucial aspects is to have access to a safe and clean water supply. In natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes or other emergencies, quality water matter for human consumption (in the case of periods of heavy post-disaster rains), but also in prevention and suppression operations against wildfires.

Customer service is at the heart of our approach and delivering great service is what we're all about.

Our specialists work closely with all sorts of different builders, designers, and sustainability consultants to identify potential problems and provide on-site water treatment solutions.
Find out how